Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fizz Boom Read: Opposites!

June 17, 2014

Fizz Boom Read: Opposites!

A storytime devoted to things that are opposite, alike, or just plain different!


Oppsnakes by Salina Yoon

Eric Carle's Opposites by Eric Carle

Ten Dirty Pigs, Ten Clean Pigs by Carol Roth

Silly Sally by Audrey Wood


Opening Song: Where is Thumbkin? - Kimbo

Song 2: Skinny-Marinky-Dinky-Dink - 100 Singalong Songs for Kids

Song 3: Dance Your Fingers/Clap Along With Me - Wee Sing for Baby

Song 4: Let Everyone Clap Like Me - Wee Sing in the Car

Song 5: Shake My Sillies Out - Raffi

Song 6: If You're Happy And You Know It - Kimbo

Song 7: Wheels on the Bus - 100 Singalong Songs for Kids

Felt/Magnet Board:

This week we did two magnet boards - one in the middle of storytime and one at the end. We're finding that this helps keep the kids on track and brings their focus back to the stories.
To fit in with our Opposites theme we first did 5 Pigs So Squeaky Clean:

5 pigs so squeaky clean,
Cleanest pigs you’ve ever seen,
Wanted to go outside and play
1 jumped into the mud,
landed with a great big THUD!
now there are 4 pigs squeaky clean...

And so on until you have no more clean pigs!

I loved Miss Mary's idea of having one side of the pigs clean and one side dirty so I decided to use that in my magnet board. I used a basic, cutesy pig clipart picture and added splotches of brown mud in Microsoft Publisher, but you could easily drawn muddy splotches on your pigs pictures.

I then printed out a set of clean pigs and a set of dirty pigs, cut them out, and attached a magnet to each side - THEN I glued them back to back. You end up having a magnet facing each way on the inside so either way they will stick!

At the end of our storytime, we did a Tortoise and the Hare magnet board.
It's our telling of the classic story. Once upon a time there was a Tortoise and a Hare. The Hare was the fastest animal in the forest and would tease the slow Tortoise. So they decided to have a race to see who who really was the faster animal!

The Hare took off like lightening while the Tortoise lumbered on - slow and steady. The Hare soon became very tired from running so fast for so long. He figured he was far enough ahead of the Tortoise that he could take a nap and still win. So, the Hare lied down and took a nap under a tree.

Meanwhile, the Tortoise lumbered on, slow and steady, until he reached the finish line! The Hare had slept straight through the race! And the Moral is: Slow and Steady Wins the Race!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Fizz Boom Read: Weather!

June 10, 2014

Fizz Boom Read: Weather!

A storytime devoted to wonderful weathery sciency stuff! Clouds and rain and tornadoes and more!


Itsy Bitsy Spider by Iza Trapani
Cloudette by Tom Lichtenheld
If Frogs Made Weather by Dane Bauer


Opening Song: Where is Thumbkin? - Kimbo

Song 2: Skinny-Marinky-Dinky-Dink - 100 Singalong Songs for Kids

Song 3: Dance Your Fingers/Clap Along With Me - Wee Sing for Baby

Song 4: Let Everyone Clap Like Me - Wee Sing in the Car

Song 5: Shake Your Sillies Out - Raffi

Song 6: Itsy Bitsy Spider - Wee Sing Fingerplays

Song 7: It's Raining, It's Pouring - Wee Sing Fingerplays

Song 8: Mr. Sun - Raffi

Song 9: Wheels on the Bus - 100 Singalong Songs

Felt/Magnet Board:

Today we did a magnet board version of Leo Lionni's A color of His Own - the story of a chameleon who is tired of constantly changing colors and wants a color of his own (hence the title). It's a very, very cute story and since it involves leaves changing colors we decided to use it for our weather theme (it kinda makes sense! but whatever - it's cute!).

Ms. V printed out copies of the book's illustrations and we used those as our magnet board pieces. The illustrations are so vibrant, it really worked beautifully. We did this in the middle of our storytime when attentions were beginning to wane and the kids really seemed to enjoy the story.


Torandos!!!! Sort of!

We made a tornado in a bottle this week to show a scarier part of weather. It's not all sunshine and rainbows after all! We were fortunate enough to get two plastic tubes to connect two bottles to form the necessary parts to create a tornado! We then talked about motion and air movement and whatnot though frankly the kids were more interested in the spinning water than why it worked!

If you are not fortunate enough to get such a fantastic device, then you can make your own using duct tape and this book:

This week we made a Weather Wheel Chart!! Whoo-Hoo! These kits were very simple - printed circles to color, a paper fastener, and a paper arrow - they were done in about 10 minutes, no problem!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Fizz Boom Read!: Colors

June 3, 2014


A storytime devoted to the SCIENCE of colors!

This is the first official week of Summer Reading for 2014! Our theme this year is "Fizz Boom Read!" which is a science based theme. So we put our super science thinking caps on a came up with 9 weeks of (what we hope will be) super fun!


Where is the Green Sheep? by Mem Fox

Monsters Love Colors by Mike Austin

Mouse Pain by Ellen Stoll Walsh


Opening Song: Where is Thumbkin? - Kimbo

Song 2: Skinny-Marinky-Dinky-Dink - 100 Singalong Songs

Song 3: Dance Your Fingers / Clap Along With Me - Wee Sing For Baby

Song 4: Put Your Little Foot - Wee Sing Fun N Folk

Song 5: Let Everyone Clap Like Me - Wee Sing in the Car

Song 6: Shake My Sillies Out - Raffi

Song 7: Wheels on the Bus

Song 8: Mr. Sun - Raffi

Felt/Magnet Board:

Because we noticed last week that doing a magnet board towards the end of our program helps the kids refocus, we decided to give it another try this week. So! We pulled off TWO magnet board this week.

We started with a rhyme called "Mixing Colors" which I found at It goes:

Red, blue, and yellow
all standing in a row.
I mix them together
and this is what they show.
Orange, purple and green
these are the colors
that can be seen.

So, I had Red Blue and Yellow in a row and then I showed what happens when we mix the colors together:

Our second magnet board was What House is the Mouse In? We ask "Little Mouse, Mouse are you in the (color) house?" and we pull of the houses until we reveal which house the mouse is in!

Of course the house is in the last house you call out, but they don't need to know that!


Yes! Yes! In the spirit of our Summer Reading theme we did a little experiment. Our experiment came from the book How to Make a Liquid Rainbow. I thought the "rainbow" part of it would be cool with our colorful theme. 

Now, it's supposed to look the the cover: a series of bright, happy, colorful layers that DO NOT MIX due to their various densities. I used the ingredients listed: corn syrup, dish liquid, water, oil, and rubbing alcohol. Apparently I did something wrong or my ingredients didn't get the memo because my rainbow turned into the black blob below:

So I did a little tweaking and used the three layers I knew without a doubt would not mix: corn syrup, water, and oil. I colored each layer to make them easier to distinguish. PS - Did you know you cannot color cooking oil - they color just forms little droplets that don't mix in with the oil. I learned something new!

I colored the corn syrup blue and the water red and was forced to leave the oil alone. And it made this: 

So I asked the kids "What will happen if I mix this up? Will the colors mix and make a new color or will they separate back out and make three different colors again?" The kids were pretty excited to see and, of course, the layers separated back out after I shook the jar. Not too bad for not being what I expected!


We made a very prettyful rainbow this week! It was a prepared kit (thank goodness) and we had only just enough to pass around! The direction were a bit confusing, but the kids produced some beautiful crafts!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Animal Mommies

May 27, 2014

Animal Mommies

A storytime devoted to mommies of the animal variety!


Hush, Little Dragon by Boni Ashburn
     No, it's not a traditional "animal mommy" story, with me here. It's a new version of "Hush, Little Baby" but with a dragon trying to find food for her baby as the theme.

Babies in the Bayou by Jim Arnosky
     A highlighting of all the babies you find in the bayou:alligators, racoons, turtles, and ducks!

Mama Built a Little Nest by Jennifer Ward
   How many animals make nests? This book goes over a bunch of nest-making animals from all over.


Opening Song: Where is Thumbkin? - Kimbo

Song 2: Skinny-Marinky-Dinky-Dink - 100 Singalong Songs for Kids

Song 3: Shake My Sillies Out - Raffi

Song 4: Peanut Butter and Jelly - Kimbo

Song 5: Dance Your Fingers/Clap Along With Me - Wee Sing for Baby

Song 6: Put Your Little Foot - Wee Song Fun N' Folk

Song 7: If You're Happy and You Know It - Kimbo

Song 8: Wheels on the Bus - 100 Singalong Songs for Kids

Felt/Magnet Board:

This week we did two magnet boards! We started with Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? We were able to easily print the graphics for this magnet board from the wonderful folks at DLTK Teach.That took care of our "Animal" aspect (again, work with me here!).

Out second board we made ourselves using simple clipart from Microsoft Word - 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. This took care of our "Mommy" aspect...since mama calls the doctor...and she's a mama of monkeys afterall ( with me!).


To go with our 5 Little Monkeys magnet board we made a Monkey Mask! Found at,
a website filled with tons of simple printable crafts! We printed ours onto different colors of cardstock paper and the kids LOVED looking like monkeys. We then had them tape or glue a large popsicle stick (tongue depressor size) to make the monkey face into a mask.